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Skill usage[]

  • Remember that IreliaSquare Irelia的 IonianFervor Ionian Fervor can't detect stealth.
  • Use Bladesurge Bladesurge to cover great distances by targeting low life minions on your way to champion targets.
    • For the same reason, targeting enemy minions can help IreliaSquare Irelia escape from ganks.
  • Activate HitenStyle Hiten Style before jumping on an enemy with Bladesurge Bladesurge, as the true damage is applied as well.
  • HitenStyle Hiten Style also heals you while attacking structures like turrets. This is because it heals you per hit, and is not actually lifesteal.
  • True damage cannot be negated so keep in mind that the HitenStyle Hiten Style active cannot be negated by Exhaust Exhaust.
  • Reserving EquilibriumStrike Equilibrium Strike for losing battles can often turn the tide.
  • EquilibriumStrike Equilibrium Strike gives a very useful low-cost disable allowing you to heavily slow the enemy while doing a large amount of damage. Consider leveling it first to acquire your full ganking potential quickly.
    • To help your jungler gank your lane, purposefully letting your health drop below your target's can provide a much-needed disable.
  • When you are low on health, use TranscendentBlades Transcendent Blades on the enemy minion waves to recover lots of health.
    • In the lane, it can also be used as a harassment tool against champions due to its low cost and low cooldowns.
    • If coordinated well, it also makes an effective tool for escaping ganks or failed team fights at low health. By clicking the edge of your screen and firing off

a few blades, you can heal off of the enemy champions chasing you to buy time to escape.

  • HitenStyle Hiten Style is great for jungling and allowing IreliaSquare Irelia to sustain herself in lane while also being able to deal true damage to neutral creeps allows her to use other runes rather than armor penetration.
    • When ganking as IreliaSquare Irelia it is important to use your abilities when they will be most effective. If you can engage your target without using Bladesurge Bladesurge then consider saving it in case you need to chase them. EquilibriumStrike Equilibrium Strike can also be of greater use if it is reserved until your target starts to flee, or your health is low enough to leverage the stun to your advantage, rather than for immediate burst damage.
  • Ignite Ignite combined with TranscendentBlades Transcendent Blades makes a rather strong combo to kill fleeing enemies.

Build usage[]

  • Trinity Force Trinity Force is recommended for good reason, as shown by its components and subsequent easy build-up:
    • Zeal Zeal grants a small boost in mobility, and attack speed to use HitenStyle Hiten Style's active more effectively.
    • Sheen Sheen applies itself automatically on Bladesurge Bladesurge, boosting its damage. The manapool increase also allows Irelia to use more Bladesurge Bladesurge to farm and last-hit minions, especially in a lane she cannot control and is forced against the tower.
    • Phage Phage adds onto chasing potential with EquilibriumStrike Equilibrium Strike's CC, and health is always essential on a melee champion.
    • Both the activation, and each individual blade, of Transcendent Blades, activates (but does not apply) the Trinity Force Trinity Force Proc
  • Attack Speed should be a priority to DPS-focused IreliaSquare Irelia players, if only because of the damage potential of HitenStyle Hiten Style.
    • Wit's End Wit's End is a great item on IreliaSquare Irelia because of the AS, magic resistance and the bonus on-hit damage.
  • Tank items are also good on IreliaSquare Irelia because of her ability to stick to an opponent with Bladesurge Bladesurge and EquilibriumStrike Equilibrium Strike, forcing them to retreat. Good options include Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen and Banshee's Veil Banshee's Veil.
    • Buying her Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads is highly recommended, since the effect works well with her IonianFervor Ionian Fervor, as any tenacity item boosts her CC reduction by up to 41.5/51.25/61% depending on the respectice amount of enemy champions nearby.
  • HitenStyle Hiten Style and TranscendentBlades Transcendent Blades along with Spirit Visage Spirit Visage allows IreliaSquare Irelia to gain a great amount of health back when in trouble.

Recommended items[]

Doran's Shield  Mercury's Treads  Youmuu's Ghostblade 
Trinity Force  Banshee's Veil  Guardian Angel 

Ruby Crystal  Mercury's Treads  Spirit Visage 
Trinity Force  Youmuu's Ghostblade  Randuin's Omen 


  • IreliaSquare Irelia is a champion that relies on attack speed, Randuin's Omen Randuin's Omen is a good counter to her AS.
  • When ganking IreliaSquare Irelia, always remember to take her increased tenacity into account.
    • Suppresions and knockups are not affected by tenacity therefore are good counters to IreliaSquare Irelia.

Champion spotlight[]


英雄資訊 英雄背景 遊玩策略 造型及其他